Saturday 22 January 2011

College Magazine Front Covers

This is the magazine cover that i feel is the least successful. The set up is similar to my most successful cover, with the props and the background the same. On this cover, i think having the cover lines spread over both sides works quite well, and the headline stands out to the reader. I also feel that the seal of approval appeals well to my target audience as many college students are interested in music. 
However, i feel that the quality of the image is poor, and the face seems quite blurred. I also feel that the figure looks quite uneasy, and the props are in the way of her body. Also, unlike my most successful cover, the seal of approval is covering the paint pots in the background, which i think makes the magazine less colourful. Also, the background looks quite busy, more so than my most successful cover, because of the cover up of the paint pots. In this cover i only included 3 cover lines unlike my previous magazine covers which both had 4, and this means there is less for the reader to look at. Also, none of the cover lines relate to the main image.

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