Saturday 22 January 2011

College Magazine Front Covers

This was the magazine front cover that i chose as my most successful. I wanted the cover to look like it was set in a school, and the image needed to represent school life so it was obvious that my magazine was a college magazine. I chose to take my image in the art room because there were props that could be used to make my cover look like the genre of magazine it is. I tried to make my cover look quite simple but effective, for my cover lines i used a simple black and white colour scheme, i thought this was appropriate as white connotes simplicity and black connotes sophistication. Other colour was provided by the paint pots in the background to make it less boring. I chose to relate my main cover line to art and to the person i used on the front of the magazine so that it all tied together. I chose to write the name of my magazine underneath the initials, because 'HSF' was easier to place correctly on the cover than 'Hello! Sixth Form' as the title was too long for me to write it big enough to stand out. In the seal of approval i used a buzz word to grab the readers attention, i wrote 'FREE!' in capital letter and used an exclamation mark to make sure it was hard to miss, and offered a free Christmas CD to relate to the season the magazine cover was created in. I chose cover lines that would appeal to my target audience of college students. I used a direct mode of address so that my audience would be enticed in and want to purchase my magazine.
I feel that some improvements could be made to my cover. For instance, the paint pots i used could be moved slightly left so that they don't get in the way of the figure, we cannot see her body. Also, i think the quality of the image could have been improved and the background could have been better, i think if i would have taken the image with a wall in the background rather than a window and a sink the cover would have been much more effective, and the cover lines could have been a lot more eye catching. 
However, overall i am happy with the outcome and think that the magazine as a whole works well and fulfills its purpose. 

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