Friday 18 February 2011

Mock - up of existing magazine front cover

Here is my mock up of the Rolling Stone magazine of Prince.
I chose to do a magazine cover with Prince on the cover because i have a friend that looks a bit like him. I stood them against a white board, i would of used a white screen but in the original image the background is slightly discoloured so the whiteboard seemed best. I put mascara on his face to look like facial hair and a mole. The lighting was coming from above in the original magazine cover, so i did ther same in my mock up, plus darkening the underneath of the eyes to enhance this.
I used Photoshop to edit my image, i started off by changing the colour of his eyes, Joels eyes are actually green, but Prince's are brown so i used the burn tool on Photoshop to darken them.  I then used the burn tool again to darken the moustache and beard and his eyebrows. I then slightly darkened around his eyes and cheek bones to make his face more defined. Next i took the hair from the original image and pasted it in, and i did the same with the collar. I used the text tool and found the most suitable font that looked most like the original. I found a barcode on the internet and pasted onto my image. The title 'Rolling Stone' was difficult to replicate using the normal fonts so i got one of the titles off the internet and changed the size and colour.
I would say that the font i used was as close to the orginal as possible, and i am happy with this area of the cover. I think i made the face as similar as possible and this was another successful part, i think the lighting i used worked well, it's not too ehnanced.
The facial hair doesn't look very realistic, perhaps if i had used fake facial hair rather than mascara this would have turned out better. I think the hair and collar that have been pasted in don't look very realistic because they have become slightly pixelated, and this would be something i'd like to improve on. I think the barcode i used is slightly too bright, the magazine cover i was replicating was done in 1990 and the barcode and background were quite discoloured, i should have found a slightly more yellow barcode to enhance this.

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